McEggy’s Internet Tendency

28 09 2010

A couple months back, McSweeney’s Internet Tendency had a contest to find new columnists for their website.  I submitted the following prototypical humor column, but it was not accepted.  You can judge for yourself whether or not they made the right call.  (Hint: They probably did.)

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Other Writing

12 09 2010

So I added this new section onto my blog called “Other Writing.” Perhaps you’ve noticed it if you’ve been here in the last month wondering why the hell I haven’t posted anything new.  Well, to answer that question:  I haven’t posted anything new because I’ve been too busy writing for other people to actually write for myself.  That happens sometimes.  The good news, though, is that I’m building up a nice little portfolio of my published writing to show off to other people when I want to write for them.  That’s what the “Other Writing” section is for.  I’ve had a couple short stories accepted for publication recently, and they’ll be showing up there soon.  Keep an eye out!  And with any luck, maybe I’ll find some time to write something new for my blog, too.